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Re: The days before Flowstone/SM

PostPosted: Fri Jan 08, 2021 4:26 pm
by MrFuls
I've messed with trackers briefly with modplug, but it takes quite a bit of experience with the thing to know what's going on! I just liked to play a midi version of Beethoven's ninth I nabbed off the net, and watch all those little numbers go by :lol:

I didn't have one of those 100-in-one kits growing up, but I did have a Radioshack Sensorlab which was based off the same sort of concept. Spring terminals, knobs, and these various different sensors (One I remember being a photocell, another an infrared sensor) that you could plug into a port on the top. There was also a breadboard section in the middle for..well..breadboarding.

Now that I think of it, those kit boards really do strike me as a physical, retro 70's version of flowstone, with all the different components and knobs you could hook up and play with :mrgreen: I think mine had some bar graph LEDS too!

Spogg, I love the cabling on some of your old setups :lol:. Those dual reel-to-reels really tell a tale of a time when those decks were the only way to save and edit one's music. Really wish I could've gone back in time to bag myself some of those curtis chips!

This was my first swing at a TOS/Divider generator. Wanting to set quirky rules for the project, I went off the deep end and won an ebay auction for a 12-note tonewheel gen. off a Hammond x-66. The "Dividers" are 74hct393 ripple counters. The keyboard was evidently from an old electric carillon, but had served a previous life as a remote tuner for a theater organ.

The divider board is all wire-wrap construction (whew, not doing that again!), with machine pin sockets for pretty much every component. Somehow it all works! Beats me :?

As far as Tula's demos go, I love the character of the cronchy samples juxtaposed against the tape hiss :lol: I'd say the second sounds almost like something straight out of Unreal Tournament '99 :mrgreen:

Hope others chime in with demos as well, I'll follow suit if I end up finding/recording anything up to snuff