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Re: WinXP directly driving two 4-way active speakers

PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 3:51 am
by tester
I have no idea what Larsen is, and probably will not remember it anyway. But I know what a feedback loop is... :mrgreen:

@steph_tsf - you are a smart guy, but try to be less harsh on others. I understand, that you may be "touched" by savantic gift, which makes you genius in one direction, while producing the ordinary reality more challenging for you. But it does not means that you have to stop there. You can integrate both - your genius and ability to learn what others "just" have by default. Life on Earth is an adventure, not a curse. If you know how to make a good FFT analyzer - you can find right buttons to push too, to make the shared reality more enjoyable for all of us.

Re: WinXP directly driving two 4-way active speakers

PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 9:37 am
by jjs
I never knew it was called Larsen effect.
At school (long long long ago) they called it singing effect, as the mic hears itself via the speaker.

Re: WinXP directly driving two 4-way active speakers

PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 12:36 pm
by steph_tsf
I understand why "Larsen" remains ignored in some countries. There are sources saying that audio feedback got described as soon as 1890 by Hibbard in USA, in the context of telephonic systems. Larsen wasn't the first.

Re: WinXP directly driving two 4-way active speakers

PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 12:55 pm
by steph_tsf
Okay, let's go back to software. In a nutshell, the lasagna that' currently working on a x86-WinXP computer is :
computer sound -> VAC -> ASIO-in, .exe compiled by Flowstone -> ASIO-out

Another lasagna that I would like to try is :
computer sound -> VAC -> ASIO-in - simple VST Host -> VST effect plugin compiled by Flowstone -> ASIO-out
1. Can somebody check this ?
2. Can somebody check if this is also working on x86-Linux and x86-MacOS ?

Re: WinXP directly driving two 4-way active speakers

PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:30 am
by angelaametz
I have been using the operating system for a long time and I consider it to be the best for most users. I constantly delete the standard functionality of the operating system and change it to something more universal, for example, I replace WMP with If you know this software, then you will understand what I'm talking about.