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Synthmaker Greatest Hits

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Re: Synthmaker Greatest Hits

Postby hardwarehost » Fri Jun 17, 2016 7:38 pm

Spogg wrote:I’ve sifted through over 7000 files

I didnt read that last time could you please upload them? I was at the time of SM forum only "open"-ing the files to look closer but saving only a few ones.

OK I found the backup of the forum 809MB. And its more important forum than this one-now in my opinion.

Maybe it need to extract advanced modules from schematics, make them more universal so users can combinate like ALL NOISES, ALL ADSRS, ALL FLOAT ARRAY TOOLS and so on. Its 7000 :cry: but if that will be categorized and purified it would be a DSP bible inside toolbox! So someone I hope will take it this way. And imagine how fast an idea could be hearable like that. BTW

BobF wrote:Hello hardwarehost,
Thanks for the upload! Some interesting stuff here. Are you still creating new stuff yourself.

I will trolling, but you ask :) I only know brain overworked, jaded, sleep deprivated and fired-up programing that is not worth it to the damages. 1 hour trying to find letter "O" on keyboard is not suitable life stile for me. If you want to know if you will remember something after 1 year absence in DSP than yes! its all there! and better!. Please dont reply nobody to this. :D

Many thanks to Youlean for that backup.
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Re: Synthmaker Greatest Hits

Postby hardwarehost » Sun Jun 19, 2016 7:13 pm


I post here also my early stage, unfinished try for some kind of "knob lab" that was meant to create bitmaps as you can see on green-blue one, with later "color to alpha" change in graphical editor for background. Anyway after time, i cant handle it good :oops: .
There is also a concept of "RGB coruption knog" but it has to be tuned.
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Re: Synthmaker Greatest Hits

Postby pshannon » Sat Jun 10, 2017 3:27 am


Your LED segment display was awesome!! The bitmap area is the one thing I am struggling with. I know graphics animation in the gaming sense and how it is coded. I understand bitmap graphics, buffers, scanlines ect. For some reason I am not getting the grasp of the how graphics work with Flowstone. I am trying to make a low level version using (true or false). There will be 7 pins, you will need to turn on each pin with true or false to make a number, letter ect. With the image I uploaded, I will make it more obvious. I was going to mod what you had, because it looked really good, but I couldn't find where the bitmap images were to beable to mod it. Thanks for any information, or even you feel inspired, I would to be able to use a creation modded to do this.
7 segment display.gif
7 segment display.gif (7.6 KiB) Viewed 46830 times
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Re: Synthmaker Greatest Hits

Postby Spogg » Sat Jun 10, 2017 7:46 am

Thanks but none of the stuff in this Topic was mine!
The most I did was to provide small fixes and/or modifications to get stuff working where necessary.
I recovered everything from an old Synthmaker site rip that I was given.

But I am very pleased that you and others are finding treasure here :D


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Re: Synthmaker Greatest Hits

Postby rocknrollkat » Sat Dec 02, 2017 1:53 pm

Spogg wrote:Bandstop filter collection

This is a collection of bandstop filters with a response display. You can choose the number of poles and see the effect by changing frequency and Q. I always though of these as notch filters so maybe someone can put me right on the difference, if there is one.

Spogged: Nothing

Author: Unknown but I'm thinking Martin Vicanek...?



Hi Spogg,
You are correct, a Bandstop filter stops an entire BAND of frequencies while a Notch filter stops a GIVEN frequency.
So therefore a Notch filter is a Bandstop filter with a very narrow band, or high "Q'.

And there you have it !

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Re: Synthmaker Greatest Hits

Postby rocknrollkat » Mon Dec 11, 2017 4:36 pm

Spogg wrote:Waveform creator for txt files

This great module is for creating waveforms then exporting as .txt files suitable for loading into a wavetable osc.

Highly recommended!

Spogged: Added some basic instructions for the drawing process.

Authors: Jay and Loopeytunes



I just discovered this, SUPER handy for creating wavetables !
Thanks to the authors and you too, Spogg for making it available !

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Re: Synthmaker Greatest Hits

Postby Cayenne23 » Sat Feb 26, 2022 10:06 pm

Spogg wrote:Patch cable router

A quite remarkable signal router using beautifully animated patch cables. Looks very configurable.

Named the top level module for my toolbox. Nothing else!

Author: MyCo



Do you know if this Patch cable router can have more than 20 ins and outs , I have looked really close in it and tried to increase the amount but it seems to be locked at 20 in and out . I was wanting to build a visual patch storage for behringer blue marvin , but I dont think its possible with this .

thanks if anyone can point me in the right direction , or is there plans to make a newer integrated patch cable system or simpler expandable input/output/ mult system , I think its beyond my skill set at present to make one.
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Re: Synthmaker Greatest Hits

Postby Pali64 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 9:25 pm

Hello Spogg,
Nice Work, :-)

But the Displays have Bugs,
if you set of 2 Flosatpoint digit gif a wrong digits!

In example: the F Stream bring [36.03] the display show [36.02] and so own

i has lost this Problem by change the Format block insight ;-)
Upgradet File with clean Bug
(14.42 KiB) Downloaded 807 times
Bug.jpg (28.4 KiB) Viewed 17555 times
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