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Where are those electrolytic capacitors when you need em ?

PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 12:27 pm
by rocknrollkat
Hi Gang,
Since I built that dandy diode / meter demonstrator yesterday, it occurred to me that what we need in Flowstone is an electrolytic capacitor to add to the fun !
So I knocked up a basic half wave power supply to see what I could come up with.
I modded a Ruby module that someone else (unknown) wrote, and we now have filter capacitors for all !
So here it is, a 'mains' power supply, half wave, one or two capacitor selectable filter bank and of course, 50 or 60 Hz. mains current, your choice, 'Variac' voltage selectable and of course, it's Dead Simple !
Open the box, then open up a filter cap and you can vary the mFds by horsing around with the 'release' values !

Have fun !