Develop Faster
FlowStone uses a combination of graphical and text based programming. Applications are programmed by linking together functional building blocks called components. Events and data then flow between the links as the application executes.
All this happens instantly - there's no compiling, your application runs as you build it making development an extremely rapid process.
Write Code in Ruby
FlowStone allows you to create your own components using Ruby. This is a very modern language that is incredibly easy to pick up.
The real power of FlowStone comes from modules. These are components that you define yourself. By building up a hierarchy of modules, you can quickly create complex behaviors.
Connect to The Outside World
FlowStone can interface with a vast range of external hardware. There's support for USB devices, I/O cards, webcams and audio hardware. COM ports communication is built in so there's support for industrial robotics and legacy systems. Networking allows you to connect to IP cameras or even other FlowStone applications running remotely.

One-Click Export
This is one of the most powerful features of FlowStone.
Once you are happy with your design running in the FlowStone environment you can simply click the export to EXE or VST buttons and your design will be wrapped up and made into a single, standalone program or plugin that you can run and distribute freely!
Exported executables can be run on any PC, laptop, or even your own embedded hardware. Exported plugins can be used in any VST compatible music software.