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Amp modellers wanted

For general discussion related FlowStone

Amp modellers wanted

Postby nervirasme » Wed Jan 24, 2018 10:26 am

Hi guys,

I'm new on this forum, so let me briefly introduce myself before I get to the point. I'm not an audio professional, what I do is actually related to advertising industry - I'm a graphic designer and photographer, I worked as art director and creative director in advertising agency back in Sarajevo (where I'm from) and now I live in Munich working for BMW as a graphic designer. But apart from this, I consider myself a serious audio production enthusiast, highly interested in the arts of mixing, and I share a lot of love for everything that's music and audio related. I also combined these two professions on few occasions - I had the pleasure to design user interfaces for few of LePou's guitar amp sim plugins (the "Le456 v2" and "HyBrit" models), as well as some other plugin GUIs.

Anyway, I'm venturing into a project (which I'm not at liberty to fully discuss at the moment) for which I'd like to find a talented modeller who specializes in guitar amp simulations - someone who's equally proficient in both the mathematical as well as coding approach. As I said, I can't discuss the details of the project and the concept itself, but here's what I can tell you regarding the involvement of such person and it's benefits at this point:
- The project aims to be commercial in nature
- The financial terms are negotiable
- Long-term involvement (2-3 years at least)

If there are people to whom this sounds interesting enough feel free to write me a message, or better yet write me an email to If this forum also supports user-tagging, feel free to tag anyone that you might know could be interested or fits the profile of the person I'm looking for. At this stage I'm just looking to hear some demos of your work that you think might be representable of your skills, and to get to hear from you personally. I'll be able to reveal more about the concept to those person(s) who proves to be the best candidate.

I know that the information I provided is rather scarce, but please understand that I can't reveal all the details at this stage. For that matter also feel free to leave your comments or ask questions, I'll try to answer as best as I can. On the other hand, for all of those who might be interested to get involved, also please be assured that I respect the discretion of your skills too, so at this stage I'll never ask for you to reveal anything that's related to your work.

Thank you and best regards,
Goran Lizdek
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Jan 24, 2018 9:31 am

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