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feature request - saving out stream at max speed (render)

For general discussion related FlowStone

feature request - saving out stream at max speed (render)

Postby tester » Sun Feb 03, 2013 3:32 pm

I know that this can be done in DAWs via VST/VSTi plugin, but you know what the problem with DAWs is. They work like they wish (different behaviours in different DAWs), sometimes even causing trouble beyond them (yep). The only reasonable renderer for FS/SM-based complex pugins - seems to be Reaper, but this one also has it's own issues.

However. What about saving/rendering the output stream (wave or any else) in exe app:

- without pre-recording the stream in real-time,
- and at "max CPU speed"?

You just set the time lenght, set trigger to start, and have the exact, sample-accurate stream, from the initial (reset) point, to the end of lenght (and trigger confirming that it's done).

To avoid complications - during the render period - all blue modules (and smart modules, turned into the blue, like multiplexers/selectors) - could just ignore any incoming triggers until they get internal info, that processing is done.

Plus - without pre-buffering the whole, rather smaller buffers on-the-go.

The reasons to have such renderer are two. First - rendering long long streams takes much much time (and if it's not audio, but some other stream data, then even longer). Second - apps under heavy load don't work in real time, so the max CPU speed would be simpy slower than real time.


Having a real-time stream saver (with all changes user makes live) primitive, without need to pre-record something - would be also a nice (and different from ebove) feature.
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