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What is being used here an EQ or DB analyzer?

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What is being used here an EQ or DB analyzer?

Postby pshannon » Mon May 04, 2020 5:29 pm

What is this guy using for what appears to be the coolest spectrum analyzer I have ever seen. The way it dances to the music in sync is amazing to me. At first I thought maybe it was fake, but it is in sync with the beat and sound. The link to youtube is below. Thanks for some expert insight!
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Re: What is being used here an EQ or DB analyzer?

Postby acg2010 » Mon May 04, 2020 6:01 pm

He may be using an old piece of software called Sonic Candle

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Re: What is being used here an EQ or DB analyzer?

Postby acg2010 » Mon May 04, 2020 6:10 pm

Here is a YouTube vid of some of my music where I used Sonic Candle as well as Sound Rider software for visualizations.
Also I think there are some online websites that will generate these kind of animated spectrum from an audio/music file.
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Re: What is being used here an EQ or DB analyzer?

Postby tulamide » Mon May 04, 2020 6:33 pm

pshannon wrote:What is this guy using for what appears to be the coolest spectrum analyzer I have ever seen. The way it dances to the music in sync is amazing to me. At first I thought maybe it was fake, but it is in sync with the beat and sound. The link to youtube is below. Thanks for some expert insight!

That's an FFT put to good use. You find that in many 3D software like Cinema 4D or Blender, where you create objects that are modulated according to the changes of a bin. I've used Cinema 4D in this video:

But nowadays there are also quite a few online services that allow for a nice frequency dance. For example
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Re: What is being used here an EQ or DB analyzer?

Postby adamszabo » Mon May 04, 2020 6:48 pm

You can very easily make it with ZGameEditor Visualizer if you use FL Studio, plus a lot more ... isualizer/
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Re: What is being used here an EQ or DB analyzer?

Postby pshannon » Mon May 04, 2020 8:00 pm

Thanks for the responses and how this could be achieved in graphics. tula you also mentioned the FFT filter, can the filter actually produce this type of stream in numbers that I could graph to match this effect? I have used the spectrum analyzer display with the butterworth 40 band 10 octave + delay from Martin V. and I even doubled it to 80 bands. It looked good for displaying the bands, but nothing like this on the groove part and the instruments. Is this an added on algorithm once you break out the band levels to get this effect? Do I need to expand the number of band levels and do some magic to normalize the data etc? One place stated 2048 bands, is that what I need and can FS even handle this? That just seemed extreme to me and the CPU would go through the roof. :)

I am trying to create a Christmas light channel controller driven by the sound/freq spectrum. I would interface a PC running FS and an Arduino. I have seen commercial DJ type controllers and I have not been that impressed with the dynamic side to analyze the music and produce the light.
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Re: What is being used here an EQ or DB analyzer?

Postby tulamide » Mon May 04, 2020 8:18 pm

pshannon wrote:Thanks for the responses and how this could be achieved in graphics. tula you also mentioned the FFT filter, can the filter actually produce this type of stream in numbers that I could graph to match this effect? I have used the spectrum analyzer display with the butterworth 40 band 10 octave + delay from Martin V. and I even doubled it to 80 bands. It looked good for displaying the bands, but nothing like this on the groove part and the instruments. Is this an added on algorithm once you break out the band levels to get this effect? Do I need to expand the number of band levels and do some magic to normalize the data etc? One place stated 2048 bands, is that what I need and can FS even handle this? That just seemed extreme to me and the CPU would go through the roof. :)

I am trying to create a Christmas light channel controller driven by the sound/freq spectrum. I would interface a PC running FS and an Arduino. I have seen commercial DJ type controllers and I have not been that impressed with the dynamic side to analyze the music and produce the light.

You won't achieve this type of effect with Flowstone. Realtime FFT is already demanding a lot of Flowstone, but then drawing at least a steady 30 times per second some hundred bins is just too much to ask of FS. It's a no-brainer in other software, because they let the graphic card do the hard work.
A few thoughts:
1) 2048 bins isn't necessary to make a fine animation. I think I used 512 bins in my video, the video you posted uses even less. However, you do need more than 40.
2) Yes, all bins have to be normalized to 0-1 (or -1-+1), to easily transform the information to height changes in the graphics (or whatever else you want to do)
3) In Flowstone, size matters. When it comes to graphics. So, start small. Cover the frequency range with, say 64 bins. Somewhere on this forum is a realtime fft solution created by (do I really need to say the name?) Martin. I would experiment with that one, not with an eq built from dozens of filters. Then use a small view first, and draw one pixel thick lines (so a 64 pixel wide view should do for a start). Only when you get that going, you could test to see how big you can go, before FS gives up.
4) Use Ruby and its timed events to get a steady fps for drawings.
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Re: What is being used here an EQ or DB analyzer?

Postby pshannon » Mon May 04, 2020 9:33 pm

Thanks for steering me down the right path. I have used the green FFT and Graph FFT for the scopes before and if this is as simple as just using green and float streams, it will save me so much time and CPU instead of playing around with all the EQ bands. :)

Follow up: I have a working FFT scope now that I tested. It needs some extreme fine tuning, but it looks like I am on the right path. I am truly grateful, I have spent so much time experimenting with so many filters and I randomly ran across that youtube video that I shared and I was like that is what I want!! :)
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Re: What is being used here an EQ or DB analyzer?

Postby RJHollins » Wed Jul 05, 2023 8:30 am

wow ... just happened across this thread. I was looking for a similar display, and was hoping there was
something like this as a VST plugin.

Anybody know of one ??
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