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Biotic VSTi-now native FS VST3 x64

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Re: Biotic VSTi-now native FS x64

Postby MyCo » Thu May 10, 2018 4:03 pm

tulamide wrote:First, thanks for reading! You are not quite correct though. I have Win 10 Pro and obviously it did not have them pre-installed.

Hm... ok, maybe MS doesn''t ship it with Win10 then. It was installed on all of my Win10 systems though, even on the tablet (which is basically blank as you can't do anything with it).

tulamide wrote:Also, if this is an issue with older systems (musicians just love Win 7), it would be better to bundle the msvcr installer with each plugin (just like Cakewalk did), instead of hoping that they will be installed already. If I understand it correctly, it installs only missing files, so can't do any harm?

Well, I would say we leave it up to the user to bundle the Redistributable with their installer. The Redistributable packages are made for silent installs, you just add them as dependencies to your installer and they get installed quietly.
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Re: Biotic VSTi-now native FS x64

Postby tulamide » Thu May 10, 2018 6:47 pm

MyCo wrote:Hm... ok, maybe MS doesn''t ship it with Win10 then. It was installed on all of my Win10 systems though, even on the tablet (which is basically blank as you can't do anything with it).

I'm glad that it worked for you! But I'm no liar either. The screenshots should be interesting for you, as they show not only 2013 redist was installed but also one 2017 redist. Maybe that's the missing link?

Regarding bundles: You're right! It should be up to each plugin developer to either add the redists or give out a warning, that their customers should install the redists in case the plugin doesn't get loaded.
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Re: Biotic VSTi-now native FS x64

Postby nix » Fri May 11, 2018 12:13 am

Hi again,
I had made some mistakes with the presets, sorry.
The preset params for the forms were a bit screwy-
and the automation params included an array which shouldn't have been there.
Also the 128 presets all produce sound and have visible controls now.
Please d/l again if you like.
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Re: Biotic VSTi-now native FS x64

Postby adamszabo » Fri May 11, 2018 10:43 am

Ok Im reporting back with my Win10 install. So I installed Windows 10 Educational version, which is supposed to have everything the Pro has plus more, it seemed the most complete edition. After the install I did not update anything, I just installed FL Studio, loaded my Flowstone beta synth and indeed the FL Studio vst scanner said Error on the Flowstone plugins. Then I wanted to see if I can run Flowstone and then I got the "msvcr120.dll is missing" error. So it seems windows does not have those libraries installed by default. After that I installed the redistributes and Flowstone and the plugins loaded up just fine.
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Re: Biotic VSTi-now native FS x64

Postby nix » Sun May 13, 2018 12:20 pm

Thanks a bundle Adam, for letting me/us know

atm, there are 3 issues with the beta builds here

-the dependency/library/redistributable
-not closing DAW host process on host exit
-multi threading using mega CPU

we need to write an installer of some kind- if we can distribute the redistributable I guess
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Re: Biotic VSTi-now native FS x64

Postby tulamide » Mon May 14, 2018 8:39 pm

nix wrote:Thanks a bundle Adam, for letting me/us know

atm, there are 3 issues with the beta builds here

-the dependency/library/redistributable
-not closing DAW host process on host exit
-multi threading using mega CPU

we need to write an installer of some kind- if we can distribute the redistributable I guess

Multi-threading indeed is an issue to look at for MyCo
Regarding the DAW not closing correctly, I couldn't replicate this behaviour with Cakewalk. So there might be something else involved than the plugin itself.
The redistributables are our problem, according to MyCo. We have to take care of somehow bringing them on our customers systems. We could either just point it out (with a link to the distributables) on our webspaces, or we have to build installers that do the process of plugin + redist installation.

Here are the three most popular, free/open source installer makers. They only differ in the way they store the data to be installed, and if you need to script them or not. Check them out and use the one you are most comfortable with.

Inno Setup

EDIT: And if you want to spare your customers the details, you can run a silent install (no windows or any prompts), by using these command lines
Code: Select all
vcredist_x86.exe /install /quiet /norestart
vcredist_x64.exe /install /quiet /norestart
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Re: Biotic VSTi-now native FS x64

Postby Spogg » Tue May 15, 2018 7:57 am

Speaking as a PC user since the early 90s I’ve always accepted that software may have dependencies. DirectX and .NET versions are good examples.

The main thing I want is to be able to install what’s needed with the minimum of fuss.

I’m always a bit wary of running an installer for a VST in silent mode, because I have no idea what’s being done to my system. At the very least I would want an install log file created in case something goes wrong with the system.


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Re: Biotic VSTi-now native FS x64

Postby tulamide » Tue May 15, 2018 6:00 pm

As a PC user I also don't like silent installs. I just inform about the possibility, and the redistributables are completely harmless.

A log is always generated with the settings I described. You find it in the %temp" folder. If you don't want it there, just add
Code: Select all
/log mypathtomylogfile.txt
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Re: Biotic VSTi-now native FS x64

Postby Spogg » Wed May 16, 2018 7:27 am

Good to know tulamide.

I once installed Samsung Kies for my phone.
Maybe 2 weeks later I tried to run Microsoft’s Sync Toy (which I love) and it was buggered. You can imagine how long it took me to work out that the Kies program messed up the .NET redistributable (as I recall).


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Re: Biotic VSTi-now native FS x64

Postby tulamide » Wed May 16, 2018 5:45 pm

Spogg, I'm not quite sure, what this is about? We're on the Flowstone forum, and this thread is about the dependencies for a 64-bit plugin. It turns out that ALL plugins NEED those dependencies. They don't run, without them installed. There is no way around that. So, if you have your Quilcom customers, you have to get them to install the redists, if you want them to use your Flowstone 4 generated plugins. That means, you have to bundle them with your plugin.

And at that point, because of Nix's last post, I tried to help by telling about installer makers (as used by every other company in this world) and how to use command lines within them. I don't judge anything of that. I just report. It doesn't mean that I WANT them all to do that. On the contrary, from the first time, MyCo mentioned those dependencies, I was shocked and opposed to it. But it is the way, MyCo chose to go, so we have to deal with it. And I pointed out ways to deal with it. Nothing more.

I didn't program redists, nor did I promote them. I kept out my personal opinion completely, I just report.

If you have issues with redistributables, you have to talk to MyCo about them. So far they are a necessity. No redist, no plugin.
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