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Harmonic Creation

DSP related issues, mathematics, processing and techniques

Re: Harmonic Creation

Postby Rocko » Wed May 04, 2016 1:27 pm

BobF wrote:Hi Rocko,

What are you trying to do differently than your old post from 2012, Creating (a single) harmonic?

Well at the former post (2012) I was trying to add a single harmonic, now I'm trying to add a batch of harmonics (say 6-8 or 10) at the same go.

BobF wrote:Also can you not just use some wave form rich in harmonics, square, saw, or pulse and just filter out what you want. I guess it would have to be a tracking filter with a sharp band pass of some sort.

Let me rephrase my post. What I'm really "investigating" here is exciters.
In this case I'm using Flowstone for trying out effects not instruments, meaning that input is music (uknown audio stream within the DAW) and output is audio stream, so I can't just replace a synthesized sine wave with a richer form, since nothing here is synthesized in the first place.
Think of an exciter effect like these:

So, I'm playing with taking an audio stream and processing it so that the output is "richer".
For starters, my input is sine wave and I expect the output to be controlled"
A. Original input (sine wave)
B. Even harmonics
C. Odd harmonics

A,B,C each having their own "intensity" knob for the user to mix and get interesting results.

Hope this is clearer ;-)

If so, let me return to the original question...
Is there a way to create odd harmonics without the fundamental being present at the output?
For a sine wave input (special case) the output should be x3,x5,x7 of the input, without x1...

As mentioned, for even harmonics it is doable, but for odd ??
Posts: 186
Joined: Tue May 15, 2012 12:42 pm

Re: Harmonic Creation

Postby BobF » Wed May 04, 2016 7:22 pm

Pitch Shifter.fsm
(6.52 KiB) Downloaded 1367 times

Hi Rocko,

Ok then, why could you not use a set of pitch shifters. Feed them the fundamental sine wave and set each individual pitch shifter as 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and so on. Each pitch shifter of course could have its own gain output, just as you want. With this you would have the fundamental, 2nd harmonic, 3rd harmonic and etc and all with its own gain output.

I tried this up to the 5th harmonic and it worked pretty good. I used a 100Hz sine wave as the fundamental and out of 4 pitch shifters each set for the proper harmonic I got 200Hz, 300Hz, 400Hz, and 500Hz, so that's the 2nd harmonic up to the 5th harmonic. So you have your fundamental, 2 evens and 2 odds right there.

Here is the Pitch Shifter I used. Sorry I do not know who made it so I can NOT take credit for it.

Is this what you are trying to achieve?

Later then, BobF.....
Posts: 598
Joined: Mon Apr 20, 2015 9:54 pm

Re: Harmonic Creation

Postby Rocko » Thu May 05, 2016 11:20 am


This is an intersting suggestion, thanks.
I'm experimenting with this. any intersting result, I'll notify...

Posts: 186
Joined: Tue May 15, 2012 12:42 pm


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