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LynxMotion robot AL5D

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LynxMotion robot AL5D

Postby geomike » Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:10 pm

I am trying to program a sequence with a LynxMotion AL5D robotic arm using Flowbotics studio. I can't figure out how to save a position for the sequence, and I can't find any help files or documentation.

How do I save a position so I can run a sequence?

Mike Martin
King HS - Project Lead the Way
Riverside, CA
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:07 pm

Re: LynxMotion robot AL5D

Postby SK_Designs » Sat May 05, 2012 1:16 pm

Hi Mike , I think its real bad that no one has replied to your Question over 3 weeks :-( hope someone does soon :(
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Re: LynxMotion robot AL5D

Postby fixstuff555 » Thu May 10, 2012 8:13 pm

As I get beat up on this every time I bring it up, my understanding is that this is strictly a "user" forum. DSP robotics doesn't get on here much, since they are busy with the software. I have had a lot of luck though emailing them directly. Usually they get back in a day or two that way.

For what its worth, here is what I do to save positions. It may not be the best way, but it works for me.

I have attached a picture of the Flowbotics studio screenshot.

First off there is an "i" button, on the lower left that turns on information for all the buttons. This button is shown in one screenshot.

The second button, the COPY button, shows two square boxes together, is what is used to create new positions. This is in the other screenshot.

Click this for however many transitions you want. Once you have 4 boxes, for example, click on the first box in the timeline. The arm will move to it's default position. Next position the arm and other axis where you want with the mouse or arrows. Once you get it where you want, click the RECORD button (small round red button) for save. Next, go to the 2nd box that you added by clicking on it. The robot arm will again move to the default position. Again, repeat these steps for each box that you added. Now all the positions are in the sequence, and you can hit PLAY

When you are done, to save the sequence, press the Save button (button with the disk symbol with the arrow pointing toward it). Select a filename and save. Now this saved sequence can be reloaded by clicking on the LOAD button (disk button with the arrow pointing away from it) to load. Select the previously saved file, and it should now show the saved sequence in the time bar. Clicking on the play button, the big arrow right button, will transition through that saved sequence. Editing a position is simple as clicking on that block, moving it to a different spot, and clicking the save button again.

Hope that helps.
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Re: LynxMotion robot AL5D

Postby shumila » Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:22 am

how did you wire in the valves for the air cylinder to move with the motors?
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Re: LynxMotion robot AL5D

Postby shamshawwd9 » Mon May 18, 2020 1:51 pm

The common troubleshooting will be to check if your physical USB connection is on a communication port used by the software. Also, you should try to check if the baud rate settings of the software match that of the AL5D robot arm. And finally, it might just be a simple solution to upgrade the FlowArm PLTW software. Finally, you might need to just understand some basics about sensor technology to get some issues fixed, so learn more here:
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