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FlowPaw Burglar Alarm

FlowPaw Burglar Alarm

Postby admin » Wed May 18, 2016 10:38 am

example-burglar.png (1.12 MiB) Viewed 54217 times

Using the FlowPaw board with the Proximity Click to detect movement, the 8x8 LED Click to write an intruder message and the buzzer click to sound an audible alarm you can make a sophisticated burglar alarm.

1) Plug the proximity Click board into Claw 1 on the FlowPaw board.
2) Plug the 8x8 LED Display Click Board into Claw 2
3) Plug the Buzzer Click Board into Claw 4.
4) Now in the FlowStone software start a new project and add the FlowPaw module. Now add the Proximity module and wire it up to Claw 1 on the FlowPaw module. Next add the 8x8 led display module and wire it up to Claw 2 on the FlowPaw module and add a string input for your message. Finally add the Buzzer Module and wire it up to Claw 4 on the FlowPaw Module and add a tune number for you alarm sound.
5) Now to add some interactivity – from the output of the Proximity module add a greater than module and set the level as 0.25, then add a bool rising edge module to create a trigger once the trigger level has been exceeded. This trigger can be used to trigger the LED display and Buzzer.
6) Using a trigger start the FlowPaw module and the project will run.

Each time an object passes by the proximity sensor, e.g. like the edge of a door opening, the alarm will sound and the text message will be displayed.
Proximity Burgular Alarm.fsm
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