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Eno-style generative music project

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Re: Eno-style generative music project

Postby Spogg » Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:16 am

I like the idea you have for the “Send 1 to all” system. It means that you can change the sound in real time on strip 1 and immediately hear the compound effect. This is a good balance between a single instance send-to-all button (only updating when clicked) and having a silent dummy panel. Very good! :ugeek:

However, the implementation isn’t right (sorry!). The master send from strip 1 is the ratio and all the receivers update after the preset module. I’ve corrected this just for TIMBRE 2 knobs. Now the knob displays update correctly and the new values are stored in the preset correctly (I made another preset to test it). You’ll see the simple change inside the Timbre 2 knob modules.

Now you’ll have to do all that work for the other controls! :lol:

I think the SHAPE/DURATION (AHD) controls should also be included in the send-to-all scheme since they affect the sound directly. But not the cycle time since we don’t need that to be the same for all strips under any circumstances I can think of.

I’ve noted your comment about the solo setting and I agree it needs attention.
In my view we need an editing function so the selected strip can be played directly from the keyboard with no cycling, just like it was a “normal” synth. This would make setting the sound and timbre much easier. When I was making my preset I had to turn down the cycle time to 2 seconds so I could audition the results and, as you say, it didn’t trigger reliably every time. Maybe have a switch to change the envelope gating to direct (for editing), so there’s no cycle time involved.


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Re: Eno-style generative music project

Postby k brown » Tue Nov 12, 2019 12:30 pm


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I seem to have it now that when the All/Solo button is set to a certain line, only it will be heard when pressing a keyboard key.
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Re: Eno-style generative music project

Postby Spogg » Tue Nov 12, 2019 3:14 pm

I’ve added my solo edit idea. This means that when you solo a strip it becomes a normal poly synth so is easy to adjust for the sound you want.

I added a Solo index transmitter to control each strip’s gate source, depending on which strip you select for solo.

Each AHD now has a receiver to switch between the oscillator’s cyclic gate and the keyboard’s MIDI gate.

Doing it this way means no extra front panel controls, but you may want to change the logic for soloing while it’s running on its own. I think that just picking one channel to hear while it’s coasting along has a limited use compared to being able to edit more easily. See what you think…

1 to all:
I don’t know whether you finished working on this yet, but the controls on strip 1 aren’t correct. For the wireless output to the other 6 strips you must send out the internal 0-1 VALUE, not the Ratio. I’ve corrected SWEEP 2 in strip 1 so you can see another example. Just bring out the VALUE and connect it to your wireless output instead of connecting the wireless output to the Ratio pin.


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Re: Eno-style generative music project

Postby k brown » Tue Nov 12, 2019 9:26 pm

I appreciate all your input and assistance on this, but I just can't get the 1 to All to work right and it's just not worth the hassle for me. Strip 6 has gone all haywire; won't load presets and reverts to wacky settings every time a preset is changed; even with '1 to All' off, changing 1 moves all the other settings - just a mess, and I'm fine without it.
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Re: Eno-style generative music project

Postby Spogg » Wed Nov 13, 2019 8:51 am

I'll look into it a bit more soonish...


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Re: Eno-style generative music project

Postby k brown » Wed Nov 13, 2019 9:11 am

Only if you want it for yourself - I'm kinda through wrestling with it.
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Re: Eno-style generative music project

Postby Spogg » Wed Nov 13, 2019 11:50 am

Other than the 1-to-all feature are you happy with it as it is?
I think it’s great but if you plan to change more things in the synth lines maybe I should wait, to save duplicating effort.

I’m very keen to have this feature incorporated for myself, and I think others would appreciate it, so I’ll take on this aspect for you since I get the distinct impression you’ve had enough of it! ;)


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Re: Eno-style generative music project

Postby k brown » Wed Nov 13, 2019 8:26 pm

Here's my final version.

- Your random module can be applied to envelope times as well (still produces clicks occasionally).
- Applied your re-jiggering of Solo EG triggering - thank you.
- More waveforms for the operators.
- Max depth of Sweeps increased.
- A single 'global' noise source (maybe saves a tiny bit of CPU).
- A couple more LFO waveforms.
- A couple more presets.
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Re: Eno-style generative music project

Postby Spogg » Thu Nov 14, 2019 10:04 am

Thanks for that Kevin.

At some point I’ll spend more time on this, because I love the project.


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Re: Eno-style generative music project

Postby Spogg » Sun Nov 17, 2019 1:11 pm

I’ve had loads of fun with this! :D :D

In the end I opted to have the 1 TO ALL button to copy everything when clicked. Your method caused a bit of lagginess, because operating one knob actually moved 7 knobs. Now you can solo line 1 and set it how you want, then copy to the other 6.

It’s now up to 17 presets (I really like the Seashell one) too.

The zip includes the schematic, which has a change log (so you can see how much I messed about with it), the presets and the VSTi which I tested in Reaper.

This is your project, so anything you don’t like please feel completely free to change. Any questions or issues please just ask.


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