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Help Please - Need to add phase to an oscillator

DSP related issues, mathematics, processing and techniques

Re: Help Please - Need to add phase to an oscillator

Postby martinvicanek » Sat Mar 14, 2020 7:59 pm

@aronb: please check your email.

@pshannon: I am very confident that we can use most if not all FS3.0x schematics in FS4, possibly with some very minor modifications. As Trog stated elsewhere, backward compatibility is extremely good. However, it is true that a schematic created or edited with FS4 will not open in FS3.0x, so be careful there. (I am not commenting on FS3.0.9 beacuse that is a dead end road anyway.)
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Re: Help Please - Need to add phase to an oscillator

Postby pshannon » Sat Mar 14, 2020 8:57 pm

martinvicanek wrote:@aronb: please check your email.

@pshannon: I am very confident that we can use most if not all FS3.0x schematics in FS4, possibly with some very minor modifications. As Trog stated elsewhere, backward compatibility is extremely good. However, it is true that a schematic created or edited with FS4 will not open in FS3.0x, so be careful there. (I am not commenting on FS3.0.9 beacuse that is a dead end road anyway.)

Martin, Thanks for your response, I want to be 100% wrong! I have read the posts from Trog prior to my post. I have been burned once and the scars are still there. :) Not trying to bring negativity, I do love the product and I would love to see it grow into something at the next level.

BTW I have never said this, but your ability with filters is amazing and I am still learning from your examples. There is almost to many to choose from.
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Re: Help Please - Need to add phase to an oscillator

Postby aronb » Sun Mar 15, 2020 12:09 am


Thank you very much!!!

I am setting up a series of this / these oscillators currently. They are part of a larger image generator. Using the PWM functionality is tricky, since it offsets in odd ways when used in quadrature, so I am still experimenting.

It will take a bit of work, but will post back a picture.

Hopefully you can see the one I posted a link to - first time using IMGUR :roll:

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Re: Help Please - Need to add phase to an oscillator

Postby Spogg » Sun Mar 15, 2020 10:26 am

pshannon wrote: ...The information provided leads people to keep buying the product with the assumption it is still fully supported.

You know, I'd never thought of that angle! :lol:

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