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Cable sys. builded from scratch

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Cable sys. builded from scratch

Postby hardwarehost » Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:51 pm

Hi everyone! This is cable system builded from scratch without lookong at others work! Its the simpliest i ever saw. Its full of bugs, but the functionality is there. I dont have the time to check all the tickers issues.
Snaping: click on the first bmp and drag the line near second until the color change and push - you see: it fits automaticly : D

Deleting: doubleclick on any bmp

Dont connect: If the color dont change, simply push - its restarted

Connection: if you see the color then the value changes 0 to1 use that in matrix

Active area: go on bitmap with mouse - you see only from the the jack space you set anything

mod mat udr kab sna 2.2101.fsm
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Re: Cable sys. builded from scratch

Postby hardwarehost » Wed Dec 02, 2020 11:53 am

This is how far it gets now:

- 6 sources, 6 destinations
- gui moveble order
- multi dest. input, 5to1 possible
- second modulations via order change

Snap 2020-12-02 at 10.49.15.png
Snap 2020-12-02 at 10.49.15.png (274.66 KiB) Viewed 8806 times

Snap 2020-12-02 at 10.52.07.png
Snap 2020-12-02 at 10.52.07.png (263.53 KiB) Viewed 8806 times

I need to optimise the schematic, I am not the guy that cares about light-up of it, i only hurry-hurry on results, never wrote notes for future, or make it universal for easy use 1st time - next time. So if someone could do that - its really important here because its gonna be CPU expensive anyway, and i dont wanna make simple modules :cry: then. Any idea to this is welcome.

6x6 here:
ARC3 2xS multi t t f all fits 6x ok.fsm
(1.91 MiB) Downloaded 955 times

The inp. /out. is on same place as you see on RETRO and TESTED its only about to add bmp there
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