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Wich book best for learning Ruby in Flowstone?

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Wich book best for learning Ruby in Flowstone?

Postby jjs » Sun Nov 11, 2012 1:57 pm

Hi i have a book The pragmatic Programmers Guid 2009 Ruby 1.9, but it seems not to work so good when putting in the examples in the Ruby module.
Some thing seem to work different then when working with the interpreter from the Ruby webpage.

So does somebody knows wich book is best for learning Ruby within Flowstone?

Thanks a lot!
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Re: Wich book best for learning Ruby in Flowstone?

Postby CoreStylerz » Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:38 pm

All books training on Ruby using standard library.
So no Ruby on Rails and Ruby + GEMS ;)

And at top:

The docs of "core" :!:
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Re: Wich book best for learning Ruby in Flowstone?

Postby jjs » Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:40 pm

Great! thanks "Core"Styler. 8-)

The book i have also uses Gems.

So i will take a look at your links.


By the way this link you mention is the same as the book i have.
But the book is aimed on Ruby as of 1.9 (2009) and the webversion is from 2000 aimed on Ruby 1.8. There seem to be very much differences between the 2.

Question to development: Wich book do you advise and wich version is Ruby wich is implemented in FS3, i assume 1.9.3 ? Is this correct? Thanks.
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Re: Wich book best for learning Ruby in Flowstone?

Postby trogluddite » Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:18 pm

Here's another couple that I found useful...
-Why?s Poignant Guide to Ruby. Be warned, this one is strange - but it gets the concepts of Object programming across well. You'd need something more thorough to back it up.
-Mr Neighbourly's Humble Little Ruby Book. Again, more of a beginner's book, but found it easy to read, and get's its point across rather quicker than the other one.

I also found it handy to install a regular ruby installation (free from here) - I use the Interactive Ruby console that comes with it as a little 'sandbox' for playing in. Unless you create methods and classes with a lot of error trapping in them, it gets tough finding the errors from the standard console messages, so being able to hop into the sandbox to work out little syntax niggles is really handy.
A proper code eidtor like Notepad++ is also well worth having - having the same code open in multiple windows, with search-and-replace, highlighting of begin-end structures etc. really takes the grind out of de-bugging.
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Re: Wich book best for learning Ruby in Flowstone?

Postby jjs » Mon Nov 12, 2012 12:06 am

trogluddite wrote:Here's another couple that I found useful...
-Why?s Poignant Guide to Ruby. Be warned, this one is strange - but it gets the concepts of Object programming across well. You'd need something more thorough to back it up.
-Mr Neighbourly's Humble Little Ruby Book. Again, more of a beginner's book, but found it easy to read, and get's its point across rather quicker than the other one.

I also found it handy to install a regular ruby installation (free from here) - I use the Interactive Ruby console that comes with it as a little 'sandbox' for playing in. Unless you create methods and classes with a lot of error trapping in them, it gets tough finding the errors from the standard console messages, so being able to hop into the sandbox to work out little syntax niggles is really handy.
A proper code eidtor like Notepad++ is also well worth having - having the same code open in multiple windows, with search-and-replace, highlighting of begin-end structures etc. really takes the grind out of de-bugging.

Hey Trog thanks for your links, certainly will help me with it!
I also downloaded the rubyinstaller, have to install it yet, i also used notepad++ for several other things like php and css when changing (my former) website.

Also when trying some things in the FSruby-module, commands like- puts "hello" -don't work as written in most books, then you have to use- output "hello" -to get the output on a string viewer, i just tried it and that worked. so maybe there are more differences wich may lead to confusion, especially when you're first starting with Ruby like me.
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Re: Wich book best for learning Ruby in Flowstone?

Postby Drnkhobo » Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:30 pm

hi jjs,

I have the Pragmatic Programmers Guide for Ruby (1.9) and tbh I think its an amazing book for learning!
Ok, ok its not a quick guide, the opposite in fact BUT once you have an understanding of the concepts of Ruby its a great resource! (dont go too far in it though)

Trog mentioned Why's poignant guide, I think its a very enjoyable text worth a read. Not advanced but worthy of a read to understand the aims of programming in Ruby.

Ruby is a very forgiving language to write with (in my opinion).Not much control/structural syntax.
It does get easier trust me and your method for outputting data is correct. ie.

output "hello"

the ins and outs are arrays (if you have more than 1 in/out) and are indexed accordingly.

so lets say you create a ruby module with 5 ins & 5 outs.

To access the inputs:
@ins = input array ( whole array ) - use to access whole array
@ins[0] = input at index 0 in array
@ins[1] = input at index 1 in array
@ins[2] = input at index 2 in array
@ins[3] = input at index 3 in array. . . . and so on
EG: (take third input and multiply by 6.75)
myvar = @ins[2] * 6.75

output 0,x = output x at first output
output 1,x = output x at second output
output 2,x = output x at third output
output 3,x = output x at fourth output . . . . and so on
EG: (output myvar to first output)
output 0,myvar

Its worth reading the FS user guide's examples and documentation on ruby.

From my experience, I would start by learning all the data types in ruby first, ie arrays, strings, hashes, numbers ect.
That way when you do real application design you understand how to move the data in and out of ruby and how she
handles the data.Ive spent hours trying to send string arrays of floats to a ruby module for parsing. . . . couple of hours wasted to reveal a simple solution. string.split
Damn :(
It does exactly what is says , splits the string . . . . doh!

Then move to control statements, classes and blocks ect.
You should pick it up quick, duck-typing is a blessing here lol!

Hope this helps :)
Last edited by Drnkhobo on Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wich book best for learning Ruby in Flowstone?

Postby jjs » Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:47 pm

Hi Drnkhobo,

this is very helpfull indeed !

Thank you very much.

I think i will first start with the FS manual on Ruby and the pragmatic guide wich i also have.
Instead of the other way around.

Thanks again.
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Re: Wich book best for learning Ruby in Flowstone?

Postby Drnkhobo » Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:53 pm

No problem mate ;)

You cant go wrong that way. If you need any more help just post on the forums :lol:

Oh, also have a look at these, I use them as reference texts to check up on:
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Re: Wich book best for learning Ruby in Flowstone?

Postby jjs » Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:10 pm

Great ! thanks a lot!
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Re: Wich book best for learning Ruby in Flowstone?

Postby infuzion » Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:00 pm

This is one of my favorite online programming courses, of any language:

& more here: ... ysfree.htm
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