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shell execute +batch file

DSP related issues, mathematics, processing and techniques

shell execute +batch file

Postby Freddymusic » Tue Aug 04, 2015 12:58 am

I would like to run a batch file with the shell execute in the cmd. i am not pro in batch file. My problem, when i copy the batch into a text string and i run the exported exe, the exe file chrashes. Can the shell execute to run a complex command lines with cmd or it's work only per line?
My next test. I tryed to run the example.cmd batch file directly with the shell execute, but the cmd window not opened.
So what can i do?

Thank you!
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Re: shell execute +batch file

Postby Freddymusic » Tue Aug 04, 2015 2:21 pm

Now when i make it with background option with the shell execute the software is not chrased. I tryed a wery simple command
start d:\bemutato\exp.cmd
the exp.cmd is killing the explorer.exe from the task. When i type this in cmd it's work perfectly, but when i want to use in SM it's not do anything. I see the Windows command processor in the task manager, but it's not work.
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Re: shell execute +batch file

Postby Freddymusic » Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:56 pm

I found what is the solution. So shell execute not deeded the argument. I just gived the batch file into the path.
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