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DigiTonix Audio Tool's

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Re: DigiTonix Audio Tool's

Postby tulamide » Mon May 23, 2016 7:20 pm

Spogg wrote:
DigiTonix wrote:... and my EQ MyCo stole!!!

I'm shocked by this statement, that MyCo stole your EQ! Can you give more information please?

I don't really "know" MyCo but from what I do know I'm surprised he needed to steal anything!



Me too. I can only hope it is a language barrier, and the original meant something like "I stole the code for my EQ from MyCo". That also makes more sense in the context, because MyCo has tons of code published without a real interface, but free to use for the community.
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Re: DigiTonix Audio Tool's

Postby Nubeat7 » Mon May 23, 2016 8:10 pm

:) its always the story with stealing, all that i can say is that digitonix "analog saturation" plugin in this thread
is an exact copy (its just reduced from 4 different drive types to one and a different background picture) of tor's "green eugene" which was posted from tor some years ago for free use where he recommended to give credit...
btw the files are not avaliable anymore..
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Re: DigiTonix Audio Tool's

Postby DigiTonix » Tue May 24, 2016 5:55 am

A copy... of course, I'm not saying that it is mine.. and I'm not saying that Maiko stole our EQ, I was just saying that you can use your diagrams in their projects, and to share with you my...., I neimeyu particular desire to steal something because I write on DSP and Assembler, and he was doing the interface... :lol:
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Re: DigiTonix Audio Tool's

Postby DigiTonix » Tue May 24, 2016 6:13 am

Green Eugen, even is not a copy of any bulb, just a typical primitive saturator with a complex signal filtering, and is not for me and the stereo space of little value, we just made for myself and all... if we talk about saturation that I have real hardware that I removed the resistors and characteristics of capacitors and then simulate it in DSP or Flow, and have a complete understanding of how to simulate voltammetric distortions, I also engaged in the study of the resonance properties of materials and knowledgeable in this topic,... Stereo space not a programmer and engineer, but he is a great musician, producer and designer, together with him we have been manufacturing various equipment in VST on non-profit basis, and don't steal your creations and only borrow some items, in return we can give you your results, or if you need our source code, I can make them to order, or to share (Except those to which I have the patent, I only have 4 patented technologies) ;)
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Re: DigiTonix Audio Tool's

Postby Nubeat7 » Tue May 24, 2016 8:38 am

DigiTonix wrote:A copy... of course, I'm not saying that it is mine..

you ARE saying its yours when you note youself as vendor in the vst plugin info! and telling nobody that the original work was done by tor..
then you telling people that you was confused when creating the circuit (stripping it down),

honestly this doesn't make a good picture, but maybe its all a big misunderstanding..

where do you publish your work? would be interested in your patented and other finished projects too.
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Re: DigiTonix Audio Tool's

Postby DigiTonix » Tue May 24, 2016 9:15 am

I'm really confused... I don't care who takes what or even steal...
But I hope some of my projects you will need and I want them to have stolen...

You have good Eqs, the original projects of amplifiers, and more...
I have them take... and I use for my projects... that are changing...
I like projects ... Spogg makes things interesting.. and I want something he can give and take something in return... this is my point of view...

(I hope I wrote everything correctly, and you're not in Chom is not blame)....
I speak a little English spoken, but you write bad. :D
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Re: DigiTonix Audio Tool's

Postby StereoSpace » Tue May 24, 2016 12:58 pm

I think everyone realized that a misunderstanding happened)))
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