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Analog DB and digital DBfs

DSP related issues, mathematics, processing and techniques

Analog DB and digital DBfs

Postby Tepeix » Thu Apr 04, 2024 12:43 pm

Recently i get a problem with some of my schematics.
I used some handmade compressor module, but with no control for the user.

I was accustomed to use a simple synth at 0.5 volume to test my gear.
But now i see that this level is way to high for normal use of an instrument in a daw.

So my compressor was begin to compress at 0.5 level, so -6DBfs which is way to high, meaning that in most case the compressor will be inactive for most user.

So i try to find a good value and a good match, how much analog DB correspond to digital DBfs..
The answer seams not so simple and could vary.. What did you think about this ??

ChatGpt seams confusing about this, as i finish with the conclusion that a compressor that act at -16DB might in digital act at -16 DBfs which seams very false !

I find this article that seams really better, but not really sure if there's more to take into account or other's scale that could be true. What do you think about this ? ... -levels-2/
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Re: Analog DB and digital DBfs

Postby juha_tp » Fri Apr 05, 2024 8:26 am

So i try to find a good value and a good match, how much analog DB correspond to digital DBfs..
The answer seams not so simple and could vary.. What did you think about this ??

By meter you linked; x ± 24 (depending on which way you want to convert it).

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Re: Analog DB and digital DBfs

Postby Tepeix » Fri Apr 05, 2024 8:54 pm

Thanks, it confirm the -24db.
But i continue to doubt a little, i find another one at -18db, or some people talking about how they record sometime at different level..
But the true problem is this phantom compressor with no control.
I think about some automatic behavior, where the average level is detected and peak compressed..

That's the problem when we have reached the limit of control for a particular plugin... ;)
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