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Stereo WAV file recorder (Ruby)

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Stereo WAV file recorder (Ruby)

Postby User108 » Tue May 07, 2024 3:50 pm

Hi all! I've made some changes to original mono wave recorder schematic found somewhere here. Now it supports mono /stereo recording not only streaming to disk, but also in memory (for slow hdd).
Also added an "Add" mode when recording appends to a previous one.
Could not make Add mode to work in disk record mode - that's why this mode works only in Disk Rec mode off.
Attached a simple delay to right channel to make stereo out of mono input. Hopefully will be of use to someone. I once stumbled upon somebody asking for this feature on StackOverflow, using the same Ruby wave class and mono wave recorder schematic..
Wave file stereo recorder.fsm
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HiAsm - A Visual Programming IDE for ALL programming languages:
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Re: Stereo WAV file recorder (Ruby)

Postby User108 » Wed May 08, 2024 12:41 pm

I think I should add indication of memory usage when recording to RAM - by counting recording buffer array size. But not shure of exactness of this method, because arrays in Ruby also use some other information for self organization.
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Re: Stereo WAV file recorder (Ruby)

Postby User108 » Sun Jun 02, 2024 2:37 pm

Here's an updated version. Old version used a lot of CPU > 70% in FL Studio when used as a plugin. I've changed for other audio library - WaveFile, first described here:
I have ported to its newest version 0.8 compatible with FS Ruby version 1.9.3.
Now CPU consumption is about 2%. Also tried to use its wave player capabilities, but it is still far from perfect due to my lack of knowledge.. I had to use some empty Ruby code with ticker in the schematics for player to work, for no obvious reasons. Who can fix this please do..
Also added some wave sound generators: sine, triangle, saw, square and 3 types opf noise - white, pink, brown.
All example code was written with a lot of help from ChatGPT 4.
wave file stereo recorder - player and sound generator.fsm
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