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Custom Ticker not ticking when first starting

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Custom Ticker not ticking when first starting

Postby dange11 » Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:18 am

FlowStone 3.0.1, windows 7

I have found that when I use the "Ticker - Custom" they do not tick when I initially strat the program, I have to go in and remove the "On" check mark and then replace it. Once I do that it works fine until I close the program and reopen it. Any thoughts?
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Re: Custom Ticker not ticking when first starting

Postby billv » Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:42 am

Yeh i came across this a few days ago. It's a simple fix.
Add this line to the code...
output 0,t
Just like i have below with the smilely face.


def init
# Time step in secs
@step = 0.1

# Whether the timer has started ticking
@ticking = false

def event i,v,t
case i
when 0
if !@ticking && @state
@ticking = true
input 100,nil,t+@step
output 0,t :)
if @state
@step = 0.001 if @step <= 0

output 0

input 100,nil,t+@step
@ticking = false
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Re: Custom Ticker not ticking when first starting

Postby dange11 » Thu Feb 28, 2013 4:36 pm

Thank you for the reply, I added the line, to include the smiley face, and the ticker would not initially start ticking until I removed and reinserted the check mark in the on box. I even tried it without the smiley face with no better results :(
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Re: Custom Ticker not ticking when first starting

Postby MyCo » Thu Feb 28, 2013 5:48 pm

Try this:
Code: Select all
def init
   # Time step in secs
   @step = 0.1   
   # change timer id
   @timerID = (@timerID.nil? || !@timerID.integer?) ? 0 : @timerID+1
   # Whether the timer has started ticking
   @ticking = false

   input 200, nil

def event(i,v,t)
   if (i == 100)
      @ticking = @state
      if ((@ticking) && (v == @timerID))
         @step = 0.001 if (@step <= 0)
      if ((!@ticking) && (@state))
         @ticking = true
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Re: Custom Ticker not ticking when first starting

Postby trogluddite » Thu Feb 28, 2013 7:21 pm

dange11 wrote:removed and reinserted the check mark in the on box

That's a clue to the easy way - by doing this you are sending a trigger into the input, causing an event which sets the timer running.
So the simplest way to make sure it automatically starts ticking is to simply put an "After Load" (and "After Duplicate" possibly) connected to the same Ruby input as the on/off checkbox.
That will give it the 'kick' it needs to get running at load time.
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Re: Custom Ticker not ticking when first starting

Postby billv » Fri Mar 01, 2013 3:46 am

MyCo wrote:Try this:

Ummm.....I'm not getting a result here Myco. It's behaving like the original ticker, waiting
the "step" time before it sends the first trigger. Put in a step value like"1", easier to notice
what i mean.
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Re: Custom Ticker not ticking when first starting

Postby Nubeat7 » Fri Mar 01, 2013 10:05 am

there was also this problem with a time and date module
at the end we solved it like this:

Code: Select all
def init
   input 100,nil
def event i,v,t
   output 0
   input 100,nil,t+1 #time+1sec

in this example it ticks every second (t+1) you just need to calculate the time, the ticker is always running.
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Re: Custom Ticker not ticking when first starting

Postby trogluddite » Fri Mar 01, 2013 3:23 pm

Yes, if the on/off switch is not required, that is the best way - much less Ruby processing too when all those other variables etc. are removed.
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