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home brew sequencer

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home brew sequencer

Postby nix » Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:24 pm

I would really like a tick counter in Ruby.
Is this possible?
edit- see later for the timer so far!
Last edited by nix on Sun Apr 14, 2013 4:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ruby tick counter?

Postby billv » Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:58 pm

Hey Nix, we talked about this a week ago.
I'm guessing now you've been trying for a week now, and failing, even with all the tutorials
online about ruby counters, just like i have for the last 2 months, everytime i had a go at it. :)

Basicly guys, even with all the "timing accuracy" achieved so far, we are still not happy.!!
Nix suggests a 30 to 150 s/r error because I'm counting in green? I'm not sure... :?
We both agree that if we can get the counting circuits out of the green, and back into ruby,
where the tick and midi are, we can shut out any "grey areas" completly, ensure s/r accracy, get better
control and optomised circuits.

So yeah,
nix wrote:I would really like a tick counter in Ruby.

(.....i will probably regret this.....will have to re-do everything again :lol: :lol: ).
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Re: Ruby tick counter?

Postby nix » Sun Apr 14, 2013 12:42 am

Heya bill,
I've been quiet for a couple of days,
basically because I am waiting for RDSP to bugfix Orion.
As far as sussing Ruby sequencers,
it's all done in the arp example.
Anyway I am pottering around and trying to build my own,
to understand, and also make minimal components.
So I can get time intervals,
but I am struggling to get it to iterate in integers of 1.
I always seem to be delivering 'time',
which is my only dynamic value.
So we can use a trigger counter and count triggers instead.
Here is what I put together this morning,
next step is reset and max->
trigger counter0_0.fsm
(617 Bytes) Downloaded 1052 times

Cheers mate
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Re: Ruby tick counter?

Postby billv » Sun Apr 14, 2013 2:10 am

nix wrote: what I put together this morning,

Interesting..still checking it out.....
Main reason I didn't start post for help on this last week was the "i" in the i,v,t thing.
I've just been messing with "v" and "t" the whole time- and it could be our answer, as all
we need to do is put a number on the internal tick, and decalare it so we can control it,
so the "index" is there. We just have to write it properly.....I think...

That "i" thing has been on my backburner.
I havn't even tried plugging a green array into ruby, and learn how to extract every value...!!!
And I will have to learn that, ...there is no black "Bus" input into ruby, only green arrays is option.
Lot's to learn... Got to love these babysteps.. :D
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Re: Ruby tick counter?

Postby nix » Sun Apr 14, 2013 2:48 am

Have you read the manual?
The interesting stuff startson page 136.

i is also a pin, a connector
I'm liking picking up bits and pieces slowly.

To update a value you need to feedback i's.
it's hard, I'm always making feedback loops that turn the code off.

The tick counter is a sample and hold out of the manual.
I made the max, now just a green reset has to implemented.
I'll get it I think, but I have been trying for an hour.
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Re: Ruby tick counter?

Postby nix » Sun Apr 14, 2013 3:36 am

Here is the counter with max and reset->
trigger counter0_5.fsm
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Re: home brew sequencer

Postby nix » Sun Apr 14, 2013 4:17 am

Here is the step value for the sequencer,
it has max( loops) and green reset function->
step sequencer0_0.fsm
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Re: home brew sequencer

Postby billv » Sun Apr 14, 2013 8:05 am

nix wrote:Have you read the manual?

Yeh, there's a counter example there i've looked at before.
I didn't like the idea of "feeding back" the output tick back into ruby to count it.
Maybe it's the best way, don't know, just seemed weird to bring it back in to count it,
why not do it at the same time...I don't know yet.....
I havn't spent serious time on a ruby counter, just stabbed at it every now and then.
Putting some effrort into this might help, but I keep getting distracted..........
So I'd pretty much ignore all my dumb comments on this ruby counter thing.
(I should explore it before whinging about it)
nix wrote:Here is the counter with max and reset->

Great way to suss it all out, breaking everything down into pieces like that. I admire that.
FSM is :? but I can understand why. Are you looking to get this into 1 piece of ruby code,
or what to keep it sections??
Next time I get the chance to have a go at it, I'm looking to cheat.
I got tick and midi in the the one ruby code, just need the "counting" part in there.
Used to do to counters in Visual Basic all the time a few years ago, but my VB skills are really
slow in returning. I'm sure when i devote some serious time to it, I'll get it.
Distracted by the X11 re-build at the moment.......just put 3 new seqs, new timer, trialing the sampler
unit, trying to work out some juicy mods for the new seqs....I'm all over the place
and my brain is just spaghetti....
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Re: home brew sequencer

Postby nix » Sun Apr 14, 2013 9:44 am

My grasp of it is pretty hazy,
so I don't find ur comments dumb.
It would be neater to put it all in a code,
but I would find it hard.
Maybe within 3 months or so.
I think using links doesn't compromise performance,
so we can live with it.
Now to learn how to step through an array.
If anyone can help-
it would be well cool.
Cheers, Nick
I think it may be necessary to feed back,
as convoluted as it seems.
So far all the Ruby boxes giving moving outputs use it.
All success with Project X!

edit-can we make this less CPU expensive?
the output integer display is update limited.
that isn't the problem.
I am using a core going at 1000ths
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Re: home brew sequencer

Postby billv » Sun Apr 14, 2013 1:34 pm

nix wrote:It would be neater to put it all in a code

On second thought-the way you got it, maybe when compressed down to a few key modules,
might be better....easier to manage and work with....??.....
nix wrote:I think using links doesn't compromise performance

Yeh that seems to be all good...had no issues there...
nix wrote:I think it may be necessary to feed back,
as convoluted as it seems.
So far all the Ruby boxes giving moving outputs use it

Thanks for the tip.....
nix wrote:If anyone can help-
it would be well cool.

Hopefully community will chip in-but if they don't very soon,
then you know that you are very close,
and they just don't want to spoil your fun : ;) lol:

So either
a: succeed in your attempt. :D
b: backburner it till your ready for another shot at it.... :cry:
c: if "a" fails then repeat "a" + "b" till your hair falls out, :evil:
d: employ someone to do it :roll:
e: Realized the method used is wrong :o , and have to start again :oops:
f: Crash a few nights in the desert and get the required code in "Dreamtime" :geek:
g: Go with my first suggestion a week ago-
Lets just admit we can't count, and get Trog to bail us out :lol: :lol: :lol: :oops:

nix wrote:Now to learn how to step through an array

Hope that goes well. have a good weekend-
Last edited by billv on Sun Apr 14, 2013 1:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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