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Re: VST Timing

Postby billv » Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:18 am

Tested again at 5 minutes exact...
The recording sent to playlist shows drifting
ScreenShot182.png (7.76 KiB) Viewed 21358 times

The actual recording, still in edison, seems is 100% spot on.
ScreenShot183.png (15.16 KiB) Viewed 21358 times

WHAT DOES ALL THIS MEAN my 2 cents worth

Looks like DSPR have given us the "Timing" platform we long asked for.
These results, its fair to say, that for general VST work, that we have a stunning
platform to which now build on and work with.
For new comers,
Further evidence of "how" good it is, in regards to Graphics glitches/audio glitches and the
handling of automation, can easily obtained by downloading the X11 Synth, which is a good
demo of some of things you can do in FS.

Sorry DSPR, but I'm not letting you off the hook yet.
Clearly, with these results, i can start looking at the next step of testing.

malc has a mate who works at mercedes Benz, and just so happens to work in the
"timing" department, who then offers malc the chance to bring his Program(FS) and
put it up against his equipment, in a timing "showdown".
In malc's spare pocket, he is also carrying my timer along as a favour ;)
Good story Yes?....Point is...can we reach Military/Medical Specifications????
Or have you guys already done this and are just sitting there, laughing your heads off
at my attempts to get it right :lol: :lol:
....umm yeah, I still have to get around this "polarity test" first though....... :?
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Re: VST Timing

Postby Perfect Human Interface » Tue Apr 23, 2013 9:40 am

billv wrote:Ok. So this is the first test using "accurate methods" as prescribed by FL Support staff.

Gol is actually the creator/lead programmer of FL. :P

Just a question, as someone new around here: what's the proof that SM/Flowstone timing is inaccurate? What have people been having trouble with?

I've seen all these posts and watched with interest because having "perfect timing" sounds like a good thing, but I never knew the nature of the problem in the first place so I feel blind to what's going on. :mrgreen:
Perfect Human Interface
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Re: VST Timing

Postby billv » Tue Apr 23, 2013 10:35 am

Perfect Human Interface wrote:Gol is actually the creator/lead programmer of FL.

Wow mate, that's some support crew. i stand corrected. Please thank him for chipping in.
Perfect Human Interface wrote:what's the proof that SM/Flowstone timing is inaccurate?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
....hang on, give me a minute.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ..........
Go to SM Forum and search "Timing".... its a long story mate....... :roll:
Perfect Human Interface wrote: blind to what's going on

You would not believe the amount of knoledge and stuff you can get by going through the
SM Forum. The FS Spaceship only just sort of arrived recently.
And a lot of SM users are still there, plugging away.
Take your time there. there's an awfull lot to go through.... :D
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Re: VST Timing

Postby billv » Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:19 pm

Ok, so re-tracing my steps a bit now.
First stop was the version i built with the FL Clock attached...
I re-tested it, and its spot -on as well.
Audio sent to playlist shows drifting
ScreenShot184.png (6.87 KiB) Viewed 21349 times

Actual file still in edison is all good.
ScreenShot185.png (6.82 KiB) Viewed 21349 times

This version has a lot of potential.
The control system inside is a lot more "comprehensive" and powerfull.
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Re: VST Timing

Postby billv » Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:44 pm

Ok, Still re-tracing my steps and re-testing.

I tested the X11 2.01 Timer, without that ppq circuit.
It's still spot on. Seems the extra circuit is pointless.
The basic timer set up i had was fine, and if you look at the design carefully,
there is nothing much special about it. Just a modified Custom Ticker......

I then re-tested the Arp Seq. It's spot on as well.

Yeh, so it looks like that was the DSPR plan:
Get it right. Make a Custom Ticker to get them started, and build them an Arp module
so they can see how to make things happen.
Then just let the mongrels go and let em create what they want to create.
Good plan guys.

Not sorry that Trog, Nix and I kept chasing a better system.
Standard procedure. I'm sure you guys understand


Yes. We are, 100%.
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Re: VST Timing

Postby billv » Wed Apr 24, 2013 11:27 pm

billv wrote:Still re-tracing my steps and re-testing

The next re-test was to determine how the PPQ circuit was effecting the timing.
I used the polarity test for this.
1 Vsti with the PPQ circuit, the other without.
The Polarity test was successfull.
This indicates the PPQ circuit has no effect on the timing.
If the PPQ circuit had an effect on timing, it should have been different
than the other VSTi, and so the Polarity test should have failed.
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Re: VST Timing

Postby trogluddite » Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:16 am

billv wrote:I tested the X11 2.01 Timer, without that ppq circuit.
It's still spot on. Seems the extra circuit is pointless.

Ah, you dance music guys are so cute - I know time signature and tempo changes are pointless when you're completely off your heads in a club at 5am with your ears jammed to the bass bins - but some of us like to make REAL music rather than just repetitive thuddy, screechy noises - we like to know where we are in the bar at ALL times (no, not THAT kind of bar, hic)! He He :twisted: :lol:
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Re: VST Timing

Postby billv » Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:33 am

trogluddite wrote:dance music

Dance music :?
Hey man..I'm insulted :lol: :lol:
I've been playing a "blues scale" for over 30 years... what do i know about dance music
I hate dance music...doof doof doof doof, that's what i call it-doof doof music, cause all you really
feel is that stupid kick drum 4 on the floor. Does my head in. Fun to produce every blue moon,
but that's about it. The only dancing i can do is the "chuck berry" thing-
Probably the only dance worth doing as well.....dancing is just wasted energy,
Hate it when your girl likes it, and you could be spending the time at home shagging her brains out. :x
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Re: VST Timing

Postby trogluddite » Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:25 am

He he - my sincere apologies!
The "getting MIDI hang on the sample" obsession fooled me into thinking you were wanting to kill the groove by quantising your TB303 clone/trance-gate to death - now I see you are just bitten by the "geek OCD" bug like I am! ;) :lol:
(What the hell is a "trance-gate" anyway? - I think in my day we called it "I know you're bored, but will you stop fiddling with that damned mute button, the drummer will get back from the loo in a minute!")

More of a punk/math-rocker myself, but hey, blues is where all that stuff began.
Whatever floats people's boat, I guess - but I'm with you on the "four on the floor" thing. Seems weird to me that it got called "dance music" - I love a bit of a boogie, but to me that means a bit of push and pull in the rhythm and a bit of syncopation here and there - something for every part of the body to latch onto and jiggle to. Might as well just go to an aerobics class otherwise!
(Though I am rather partial to doing my "dad dance" whenever some really choppy breakbeat/glitch music ever gets played. - gives the youngsters a laugh, I suppose!)
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Re: VST Timing

Postby billv » Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:36 am

trogluddite wrote:my sincere apologies!

Forget it. All good.
trogluddite wrote:just bitten by the "geek OCD" bug like I am
Don't think it's Geeky really. More like a standard procedure for an inquisitive mind.
It's not our fault Trog, that there is another type of "100%", that exists within the current 100%
accuracy we have for VST. I'd just like to break it down to a Military Grade.
I'd let the fish go then. At the moment we've had it on the line for a long time, would be
a crime to let it go :)
trogluddite wrote: a bit of push and pull in the rhythm

Now your talking. Looking that up in the Dictionary should read: Kieth Richards
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