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what is the MANUAL way to trigger ADSR (without MIDI)?

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what is the MANUAL way to trigger ADSR (without MIDI)?

Postby payaDSP » Sun May 12, 2019 8:01 am

hello to all
i have search without success a way to MANUALLY trigger ADSR module, without MIDI
i have tried all (?) modules i can get on the forum, in vain
please, what is the way to mimic simple standard BOOLEAN to trigger the GATE of ADSR

thank for reading
(and thanks for answers...)
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Re: what is the MANUAL way to trigger ADSR (without MIDI)?

Postby Spogg » Sun May 12, 2019 9:13 am

ADSRs are intended to be used in a poly (white) stream. To function in a poly stream, a “channel” has to be opened, and this is done by the MIDI system.

When you play a note, the Env prim that controls the envelope generator is started by the FlowStone software. Most envelope generators allow you to choose a “Gate” mode in the properties view, and this means you can decide when to fire or re-trigger the envelope generator, via a poly bool signal. This will only work if a channel is open and the ADSR sees a path to the poly to mono prim at the end of the signal chain.

If you decide to use an ADSR in a mono (blue) situation you have to simulate the control signals you would get from an Env prim to control the ADSR phase. This is because, in a mono signal chain, the “channel” is always open and running. If you used the Env prim here, the ADSR would always be stuck in the sustain phase.

There is an example of this mono ADSR configuration in my Quilcom TERRORMIN, which is all done in mono and green. Here the ADSR is controlled by a green integer control signal (the mouse handling is all in green) but you could control it with a suitable DSP code, running in blue.

Hope this helps.


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Re: what is the MANUAL way to trigger ADSR (without MIDI)?

Postby payaDSP » Sun May 12, 2019 9:34 am

thank you very much answering
it s now much clear for me
i will see your exemple for mofified ADSR
if i understood, the only way to trig standard ADSR is to send artificial MIDI signal ?
is it right ?
can it be done this way ?
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Re: what is the MANUAL way to trigger ADSR (without MIDI)?

Postby Spogg » Sun May 12, 2019 10:04 am

Well, I guess you could express it that way! :lol:

But what you say implies that you are dealing with MIDI-type signals in some way.
If you use a MIDI event prim, and feed the note on/off MIDI data events into the standard MIDI/VOICE prim pair, you could indeed fire off the ADSR (in poly) with no keyboard or other MIDI input. That would be one way to go.

As I said above, you can trigger an ADSR by simulating the action of the Env prim with the ADSR running in blue. You don’t need any MIDI signals at all in that situation.

Maybe you could describe your vision of exactly what you wish to achieve, so we can then discuss options further…


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Re: what is the MANUAL way to trigger ADSR (without MIDI)?

Postby payaDSP » Sun May 12, 2019 10:42 am

it is exactly what i am looking for: trigger notes WITHOUT any human action (like domotic timer)
(indeed i have most skill with domotic than music,midi,dsp...)
this could make autonome random noise box like wind , waves or chimes...
i have look your own ADSR, i must admit there shadow zones for me here .
but i will work on this...

i have made a simple random generator of trigger ON/OFF wich works well for lighting a LED, but not suitable for more standard sound generation :cry:

perhaps you known already existing "random box" wich could be starting point for this project ?

Thanks again for your help
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Re: what is the MANUAL way to trigger ADSR (without MIDI)?

Postby Spogg » Sun May 12, 2019 12:17 pm

Have a look at my old Christmas Belly. :lol:

There’s lots of "random" stuff in there you might find interesting and possibly useful.


Have fun!

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Re: what is the MANUAL way to trigger ADSR (without MIDI)?

Postby payaDSP » Sun May 12, 2019 1:46 pm

i think this will be also long time to understand this christmas gift
thank you for your two examples
i will look deep inside to progress on my project
thank for your help

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