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Re: Timing

Postby MyCo » Thu May 16, 2013 10:22 pm

billv wrote:Bit Dissappointing if the community can't record a track and make a desicion with all the
"sample accurate " tools provided by the Host.There seems to be a fear or lack of respect for Hosts in the atmosphere. Weird... :?

I don't understand what you want to say with that. Why can't you record? I don't get it.

billv wrote:That's great if DSPR can test the "supergreen theory" with your Ultimate proof FSM.

There is nothing to test, they know exactly what their programm is able to achieve. When you say them you use a green connection to trigger something, they'll tell you that it won't be sample accurate (they won't even bother to look at your schematic).
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Re: Timing

Postby billv » Fri May 17, 2013 9:12 am

MyCo wrote:I don't understand what you want to say with that. Why can't you record? I don't get it

Because You claim all my pics and FSMs are worthless.
I've done enough testing at this point that verifies the "Supergeen" idea is plausible.
MyCo wrote:There is nothing to test,

Then forget i ever mentioned it.
Leave it all in the Supergreen post....never reply to it and let it dissappear.
Won't change anything in my studio.
Community has been informed about the idea. Best I can do. Rest is up to them.
All good, either way.
MyCo wrote:they know exactly what their program is able to achieve

Why do we then have bugs Myco?
If they knew what they created thier would be no bugs. it would be flawless.
FS will always be under a constant state of development.
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Re: Timing

Postby billv » Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:46 am

This is the v3 PPQ timer design, but done 100% in Ruby.
X11 2.04_v1_Timer.fsm
(74.13 KiB) Downloaded 1245 times

There is one wire in green, only because my ruby selectors didn't work for some reason...
Not important either, can be removed. It's just there for standalone use....

Note the output for '1/1" is actually "1/2"...
This is X11 default time...sorry...forgot to change it back to normal time before upload...
To make "1/1" setting actually output "1/1"...go to
step module/selector module/....then change the 2 to 1, in this line
Code: Select all
if v==0 then output 0,2 

Edit :
Be careful if you change the "Pattern selection pad"....
There is an "afterload" stashed in there, which is required by the circuit.....
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Re: Timing

Postby billv » Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:51 pm fails at tempo's other than 120...
I first thought problem was my attempt at beat fraction in ruby....but it seemed ok..
Then i found that v3 PPQ timer(Green version) has same behaviour.
So its a design issue......not sure if it's fixable yet...looks like very hard fix...not confident..
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Re: Timing

Postby tester » Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:30 pm

Take a break...
Make something random... Spontaneously harmonized randomness...
Relax... Fade out...
Take a deep breath... 0.06125 bpm
Just let go... Resync...
That's it..., now you are hypnotized. Just go with the flow...

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Re: Timing

Postby billv » Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:45 pm

...ppq ticker's beat fraction is locked at one rate, so the error is very easy to see.
Might take a while...but i think it's fixable......
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Re: Timing

Postby billv » Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:51 pm

Fixed. "billv PPQ shit" actually works ......PPQ now working at different host tempo's. :D :D
Still can produce an error of 1 sample.....should dissappear when attached to big synth.....
Biggest error i got was dropping host tempo down to slowest speed (10)...3 to 4 samples out.
Apart from that....all good so far....
This version all ruby.....will make a green one later on.....
X11 2.04_v3_Timer.fsm
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Re: Timing

Postby billv » Thu Jun 13, 2013 1:40 pm

PPQ timer Updated.
You can now change any of the 4 slots to any division between 1/1 and 1/16.
Changes can also be made on the fly.....
X11 2.04_v4_Timer.fsm
(139.1 KiB) Downloaded 1346 times
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Re: Timing

Postby Drnkhobo » Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:19 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol: Hat off to you for dedication billv!

I like the new version! :D
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Re: Timing

Postby tester » Thu Jun 13, 2013 5:03 pm

I get "error inside the module" message.
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