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Re: Timing

Postby Nubeat7 » Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:53 pm

sorry but it is not a ppq timer because it is not locked to the host beat position, maybe you should call it bpm ticker - for a ppq timer you will need the PPQ primitive.. the problem is when you start to play on any position it starts on the position you are and not synced to the beat position in the song - so every time you start to play not on a snapped barstart your ticker is offset..

the definition for ppq is pulses per quater (but it returns a float which will vary from 0 to 3.999999.. over 4 beats)
so it is the musical position from your host, if you don`t get this position it cant be ppq synced when you dont start playing at a barstart.
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Re: Timing

Postby billv » Fri Jun 14, 2013 12:51 am

Nubeat7 wrote:it is not locked to the host beat position

yeh..good point. Not addressing all ppq "behaviours"....that should be fixable too...
Still a "basic timing" module at the moment. Lots of different ways to do it...
So yeh....modify it any way you like. I'll definatly have a dig at that later on as well
I'm taking a detour, back to X11 and the re-build...see what this version does in there....
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Re: Timing

Postby billv » Fri Jun 14, 2013 2:29 pm

Nubeat7 wrote:the problem is when you start to play on any position it starts on the position you are and not synced to the beat position in the song

Does seem like an easy fix to get that feature your after Nubeat7.
I started by turning the Clock Module to float. Created a 2nd second Clock that runs off the ppq trigger
timer. So there's two sets of numbers to choose from, to build your seq system, or midi output from.
Then added ppq primitive..and just routed it into the clock....idea is ok so far....
In the host, press along the timeline, clock changes with it...functions just like the "start" knob
in the X11.....
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Re: Timing

Postby billv » Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:14 pm

Nubeat7 wrote:sorry but it is not a ppq timer.

And the tempo bug is still there...fine at 120.... but drifts real bad at other tempos
Will know more about it on w/end..will strip it down and find where the error really is....
This design defiantly on its last legs.....
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Re: Timing

Postby billv » Thu Jun 20, 2013 8:49 pm

Awesome...just took the ppq trigger out and re-tested...error still there at tempo's other than 120..
Somethings not right in the host tempo/beat fraction part.....
Probably the beat fraction code i wrote is wrong....
Will have to make a green version to clarify this.....
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Re: Timing

Postby billv » Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:51 am

billv wrote:Probably the beat fraction code i wrote is wrong...

Ruby beat fraction seems ok...same results as green version.
Its the midi timer module.
Checked it in green and in ruby.
Stripped back circuit to just the is playing/beat fraction and the ticker/midi output module.
Still drifts at host tempos other than 120...
nasty to start from scratch again....
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Re: Timing

Postby billv » Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:27 am

No...Its not happening. Myco was right..there's nothing here.
Everything drifts at host tempos other than 120....and it's a bigger drift than Trogs stuff...
At least his drift is somewhat consistent. My drift just keeps getting bigger.
Last edited by billv on Sun Jun 08, 2014 7:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Timing

Postby billv » Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:00 pm

billv wrote:No...Its not happening

Seems I was bit wrong again. The 2.04_v4 timer is not bad. :D
Most of that big drift diss-appears a lot in a big synth.
Timer is very useable it seems. Still not perfect...but good enough for me at the moment.
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Re: Timing

Postby billv » Sat Aug 16, 2014 10:29 am

Here's a new midi timer based on the default custom ticker.
Offers individual control of all Midi note/Velocity/Duration/Midi channel/On-Off.
Steps can be changed on the fly. Minimum step value is 2.
Don't know what the max is, I punched 1000 into the selector and still got a result.
I've stripped this fsm down to a "default template" style.
Everything is in 1 module, you can see it all at once.
Custom Seq Ticker_BV.fsm
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Re: Timing

Postby billv » Sun Aug 31, 2014 12:07 pm

Here's an updated version.
I squeezed out a bug or two.
To further test it, I added a hostclock and stuff to keep tempo selections in time with host.
This also allows the tempo to controlled/automated at every bar.
Custom Seq Ticker_BV_v2.fsm
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