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Radio buttons under preset manager

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Re: Radio buttons under preset manager

Postby billv » Fri Aug 16, 2013 2:27 pm

kortezzzz wrote:EDITING:
i just tried to add few more knobs it to the schematic, and it stopped working correctly. can you please explain
how to add more than 5 knobs?

...mostly copy and paste..
1.Mouse Trigger Module
Go inside and Create new mouse trigger, create input into selector and connect,
copy/paste the last code block,then change the numbers so the selection sequence continues.
Open the Mouse Trigger Module and re-postion the new mouse trigger to where you want it.
2. In the graphic module, create another moving graphic and stick it on the selector.
Create another background graphic....then go to top of module and re-position both graphics,
so that they exactly same position as the mouse triggers.

The mouse trigger create's an index number, which is the only thing the output requires.
It just has to pass through the preset module, and re-draw 1 graphic on the way out.
there's really not much in it....
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Re: Radio buttons under preset manager

Postby kortezzzz » Fri Aug 16, 2013 5:07 pm

well, its not working for me :cry:
i try to use the same logic that stands behind SM, but seems like
things work differently in Ruby.

would you please take a look in this schematic? what am I doing wrong?..
animal list_graphics_fix2.fsm
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Re: Radio buttons under preset manager

Postby billv » Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:19 pm

kortezzzz wrote:please take a look in this schematic? what am I doing wrong?

Your almost there....
You just havn't re-positioned the mouse triggers or the graphic.
The mouse trigger module also needs to be re-sized,
At the moment you can't press them because all the new mouse triggers are still
stacked on top of the old ones....
Easy way to do this is
1. Line up both modules(or put them next to each other), enlarge the mouse trigger module
so that its roughly the same size as the graphic window. Then open both modules up...
2. In the mouse trigger all mouse triggers in order.
Close module and then just click on each mouse trigger, one by one.
Each time the corresponding graphic will each graphic in order.
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Re: Radio buttons under preset manager

Postby kortezzzz » Sat Aug 17, 2013 7:49 pm

Sorry for the late reply, but wasn't home at the weekend :)

billv, I did what you wrote, and EVERYTHING WORKS PERFECTLY !!! :D
as this tool is top useful, i'm posting here the upgraded schematic, with the 9 buttons.
hope that people will find it helpful for their own projects.

animal list_graphics_fix3.fsm
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Re: Radio buttons under preset manager

Postby pall » Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:53 am

I love this topic, :) so - with your permission - I made a small change to this last schematic.
animal list_graphics_fix3_mod_pall.fsm
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Re: Radio buttons under preset manager

Postby RJHollins » Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:06 am

... and also with your permission ...

I went in and modified the 'IF END' module, by changing it over to a CASE .. SELECT logic.

I do not know if this has any impact on performance ... but it does make for less typing of code :lol:
animal list_graphics_fix3_mod_pall_rjh.fsm
mod'd IF..END to a CASE..SELECT logic
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BTW ... is there any way to test for 'efficiency'/speed/memory,etc' of a particular module ??? It would be very interesting for any optimization quest.
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Re: Radio buttons under preset manager

Postby billv » Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:17 am


Your welcome...glad i could help in some way..
pall wrote:love this topic

Hey Pall...nice mod.....nice to see you here...
RJHollins wrote:and also with your permission

Great stuff guys...hack away :lol:

Here's an "alt" version of design, that might be useful too...
This one has all the mouse triggers stacked on top of each other..
So you visually hit the same spot...
I forget the name for this type of button ....
animal list_alt selector.fsm
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Re: Radio buttons under preset manager

Postby RJHollins » Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:32 am

Nice alternate billv.

I don't know what that 'design' is called either :|

I don't have deep RUBY skills ... but what might be interesting with this 'alternative' single position switch ...

If it had LeftMouse click and RIGHTMouse click ability to INC or DEC the choice. Not sure what it would get used for :oops: [maybe a stepped Zoom in and output button] :shock:
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Re: Radio buttons under preset manager

Postby kortezzzz » Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:08 am

Great job, people! thank you all and and please, continue "tossing" ideas!
this set can be a great "keystone" to a "one button built-in preset bank manager" :shock:
think about it, the user loads banks with an only single button... :idea:
only wish that in the "mod_pal" version, each name could be edited separately (so then you get a bank name editing
"at pace" 8-) )
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Re: Radio buttons under preset manager

Postby billv » Sun Aug 18, 2013 12:02 pm

RJHollins wrote:If it had LeftMouse click and RIGHTMouse click ability to INC or DEC the choice

Good idea. For that sort of control it might be easier to use a counter....
I"m in "optomize" mode at the moment so I'm stripping everything down..
Lots of stuff you can still do to these things.
RJHollins wrote:I don't have deep RUBY skills

You don't need "deep ruby skills".
No-one has "deep ruby skills" when they first start learning it.
When I first started, i spent the first few months just with "t" and sometimes "v"
....i didn't understand "i" till a about a month brain just bypassed it all this time
because it was focused so much on "t" :lol: ...even looking at the Sample and hold circuit in the
tutorial, by brain did not register that "i", is just a trigger signal arriving at the input.... :lol: :lol:
So making a number increment is about the easiest thing you can do.....
and i still had to ask the boys for a "ruby counter"..????...(now that's ruby dumb!!)
But it's like that.... knowledge comes at different parts of time...can't get it at once...
I don't know how i did all that stuff in timing without noticing "i".....weird..
....while coding something the other day I started to build a counter
by i continued with it , and I've almost got it to point
where it has the same functions as Trogs counter.
....this ruby stuff is starting to finally make sense and sink in...
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